Living Artfully is a gift of creating the life you imagine. To express who you are through what you create. 

It's the ultimate form of communication through recognizing and embracing your own powerful, creative language~ the images, words, sounds, foods, and crafts through which you most easily express yourself.

Susan Silvestri
[email protected]

English Garden
1996 Sold
Fairy Garden
1996 Sold
Italy~Street Wine Shop 18" X 24"
2014 $432
Italy~Rustic Window 18" X 24"
2014 $432 
The Spanish Kitchen 18" X 24"
Provence Red Doors
2014 $432 Gifted
              Breir Rabbit
Breir Fox and Raccoon
          Series 2020
                       Self Portrait 12" X 12" 
                      acrylic on canvas 2020 
Robert Portrait 12" X 12" acrylic on canvas 2020
French Corner 48" X 48"
2014 $2,304
Flower Girls 22" X 28"
1996  $616
Wild Roses 12" X 12"
2020 $144
Elijah  Portrait acrylic on canvas
2020 Gifted
Koi Pond 12" X 12"
2020 $144
Breir Wolf